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6 Marketing Tips Every Credit Union Should Know for 2025

credit union marketing Oct 08, 2024

We've boiled down 6 tips to help you crush your credit union marketing in 2025. These are real, data-backed tips that’ll make a difference—promise!


Be Consistent: You’ve heard it a million times, but it’s true! Consistently showing up on social media can boost engagement by up to 30% (thanks, Hootsuite for that stat!). Make a habit of scheduling your posts at least weekly to keep your credit union in the spotlight. 

Personalize Those Emails: Here’s a little trick—use your members’ names in emails! Emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened (Experian says so). It’s a simple way to make your members feel special.

Get Your Members Involved: You know what people trust? Other people! According to Nielsen, user-generated content can boost engagement by 28%. So, why not ask your members to share their stories and experiences with your credit union?

Let Your Members Do the Talking: 92% of consumers trust recommendations over branded content (shoutout to BrightLocal for this one). Share those member testimonials—they’re marketing gold! 

Short and Snappy Wins the Race: Did you know we’ve got an 8-second attention span now? (Microsoft figured this out) Keep your messages short, sweet, and to the point if you want them to stick.

Don’t Forget Local SEO: Here’s a biggie—46% of all Google searches are looking for local info (Google says so). Make sure your credit union’s contact info is up-to-date so you’re easy to find!

So there you have it—6 tips to help you shine in 2025! Give them a try, and let’s make this coming year your best one yet. You’ve got this!